Ahhhh, February... the month all women in a couple pine for and all single people abhor!
Why not LOVE ❤️ yourself this month? I've been single, married, divorced, single and partnered up. The best thing I can think of to get the most out of Saint Valentine's Day is to be my own absolute best lover! What does that mean to me? It means I am going to start a self love campaign this whole month! I'm going to stop saying Yes, when I mean No. I'm going to take myself out on a date every week and truly enjoy my own company! I'm going to hang out with those friends of mine that really and truly give me love and uplift me! I'm going to avoid hanging out with those people that drain me! I'm going to get in the habit of taking Action and get out of the habit of being Inactive aka procrastination. I'm going to tell myself, my body, my finances, my parenting skills, my business skills, I LOVE YOU 💕 everyday and stop being so hard on myself! And... I'm going to be grateful for all the love ❤️ that I do receive from others in my life, my friends, my family, my boyfriend, and you, my clients. So....who's with me? Who's going to join my self love ❤️ campaign? Tell me what you are going to do this month to promote loving yourself! Keep a tally of all the acts of kindness and love you give yourself each day and post it to my FB page @SacredSpaceGreenville with #ILOVEMYSELF and the top three people with the most acts of kindness and self love given to themselves this month will receive a FREE GIFT! (More details coming soon) 1 point for each act! 1 point for sharing this campaign with others. 5 points for posting everyday. Life is sweeter when there is lots of love in it. Let's help each other have the best life this month by supporting each other to really love ❤️ ourselves! Oh! And to help you out on your self love journey, take advantage of my February Massage special! See details below! HAPPY HEART ❤️ MONTH❣️❣️
This morning I was reading two pamphlet published by the CareNotes, by Abbey Press, a publishing company owned by Saint Meinrad Archabbey, a Benedictine Monastery in Southern Indiana. I picked up these two CareNotes from Greenville Methodist Church yesterday in the foyer. One is titled “Healing Your Body, Mind, and Spirit Together”, the other is titled “The Healing Power of Human Touch”. When I saw these titles I had to pick them up! They are right up my alley! Isn’t this what I have been preaching to you everyday in my personal Mind, Body, Spirit Healing Practice? Yes! And I hope you are understanding, that yes, you can come see me for a massage, because your muscles ache, or you are injured, or you are so overwhelmed and stressed out, that you don’t know what to do. And I hope that you will. But I also hope that you will notice after your physical massage that you feel better emotionally and spiritually. That you look at your problems from a different perspective. That issues in your life that were weighing you down, don’t seem so heavy. And that you are able to connect to your higher power, or spiritual source with much more ease.
Sometimes we need extra help to connect to our emotions and spirit. That is why I offer Soul Energy Healing sessions. These sessions go deeper than your physical level and delve into how your body is holding onto emotional and spiritual pain. You will still get come physical massage, but you will also receive Chakra Balancing to open up your three centers (mind, body & spirit) within the 7 Chakras; a Soul Reading, to see what your soul or your inner being is really feeling and experiencing from your current life situation; and Energetic Touch, where the blocked energy of your physical, emotional and spiritual acupressure points are released. To start you on your own Journey to Body, Mind, Spirit Healing, practice using one or all of these Acupressure Points for Emotional Healing from Michael Reed Gagh, Ph.D. He is my Go-To guide to Acupressure and self healing. And if you find you can’t move your physical, emotional or spiritual pain on your own, Contact me! That is what I do! I help guide your blocked energy out of your body, so you can get back to feeling and being yourself again! I recently, well within the last year, have been experiencing debilitating headaches once a month around my female cycle time. I have been using every alternative modality I can think of to lessen the effect these headaches have on me, but still, I have not been able to eradicate them from my body, just reduce their effects. If you've ever had a debilitating temple headache like this, you know what I'm talking about. I know that body chemistry wise we are all different and what may work for one person, doesn't necessarily mean it will work for everyone. So try these remedies and see what you get.
From my Raphologist, Ashley DePaul, I use a Pineal Blend twice a day from Christara made of Pure dried Yellow Mustard Seed and cold pressed Garcinia. She also recommends taking 1/4 tsp Real Salt. I tried that yesterday. I felt like my body needed the salt, but I did not register any headache relief. From Yoga, I do lots of deep breathing and send my breath to the area of the temple that is causing me pain. From Tai Chi, I do joint moving warmups to help keep my blood flowing through out my body and do a round of the Short Form to rebalance all my meridians. From Acupressure, I do this Headache/Migraine relief massage. I had the good fortune to be invited to a free 6 week advanced Essential Oils training the tail end of last year. I learned some amazing things about being an essential oils network marketing business builder as well as some fantastic insights on building self confidence, trying new things, being fearless, and listening to your gut intuitions. All of this information was valuable to me personally and as a new doTERRA business builder. But what was the most valuable to me, as an Energy Healer, was the lesson given by Desiree Mangandog, about using the essential oils to help clear energy blocks and stagnation.
I recently baked a Cinderella Pumpkin during one of our cold snowy days up here in the high Northern Sierras. It made the house smell so good with the warmth of it's earthy scent that after it cooled, and my daughter scraped all the meat out of it, I made a delicious pumpkin soup. But finding that I still had a massive amount of pumpkin meat leftover, I was perplexed of what to do with the rest. Yes, I could freeze it for another snowy day, but we've been having plenty of those, so I was pleasantly unstumped when my friend asked for muffins. Perfect! Pumpkin muffins. Now finding the best pumpkin muffin recipe for me is no easy task. I'm highly sensitive to gluten, flour and sugar. I have had the worst of luck baking with gluten free all purpose flour mixes, making things like gummy centered breads and muffins. So as I researched a Pumpkin Muffin recipe I got excited when I found this recipe from Running with Spoons . This flour-free, sugar-free chocolate pumpkin muffin recipe is yummy! And....EASY TO MAKE!! You just throw all the ingredients in your high-powered blender, ok, I'll say it, Vita-Mix. Just so you know, I did not include the chocolate chips - I have not found one that doesn't set off a sugar headache yet. I also made the Pumpkin Pie Muffin recipe from Amanda. They tasted just like pumpkin pie. So if you are looking for a healthy version on your favorite morning sweet, I highly recommend trying one of Amanda's recipes. Did I mention the texture was spot on muffiny good? Light and airy. Not gummy yuck yuck! Here's what my batter & muffins look like. I hope you'll try these yourself, or come over for one today. But hurry, they're going fast in my house!