This month marks the beginning of my new focus on Essential Oils, specifically doTerra Essential Oils. I have been an Essential Oils hobbyist for about 20 years. I began my exploration when I took a Spa Treatment's Class from a young hipster hippie from Pacific Beach, Ca who owned a Spa and retail store called The Body Shop. I remember sitting on the floor at a retreat center around this tall and lean, long brown haired beauty and discovering the benefits of skin brushing, essential oils and applying moisturizer when your skin is still moist. She opened my mind to home remedies from the book "Back to Eden", and ideas from Edward Cayce. I spent a very enjoyable weekend learning how to make and apply body scrubs, clay masks, and body wraps. My love of spa treatments easily guided me to my first job in a spa environment. I joined the Details Aveda Salon Spa team in Ocean Beach, CA. I quickly became proficient in an Aveda Scent Journey, applied Aveda Essential Oils to my massage clients, and used Aveda products in my personal life. Even though I have lost touch with Aveda, I have always had some brand of Essential Oil in my medicine cabinet, from Lavender to Ylang Ylang.
When I opened the doors of Sacred Space, it was important for me to continue to offer my clients the benefits of Essential Oils. I hand scent my base massage creme with two different scents for muscle tension relief. The most popular blend is a mix of Rosemary, Peppermint and Eucalyptus. The other blend is Chamomile, Geranium and Rosemary. I am looking forward to seeing the difference that the doTerra Oils bring to my blends. As I have found out in the short time I have been using doTerra that they are potent, powerful and pure. I have personally experienced the power of the Deep Blue deep muscle relief blend soothe my sore muscles. I have watched how the DigestZen blend has cured many a client's stomach discomfort. I have heard a client's breathing go from raspy to clear when a few drops of Breathe have been applied to their lung acupressure points. So I am looking forward to introducing you to doTerra Essential Oils, and I hope you will enjoy them as much as I do. To find out more about doTerra Essential Oils you can come to my first FREE Essential Oils Class this Friday, February 5 at 1pm at my Studio, Sacred Space. To experience the power of doTerra Essential Oils for your health and wellbeing, schedule a massage during the month of February and receive a free Essential Oil AromaTouch Technique demonstration with your regular massage. I can personally say Yes to doTerra Essential Oils. Find out for yourself if you can too!