Hi there! I just redesigned my website! Will you take a look and tell me what you think? It's still in the works a little, I know I need to reformat some text, do a better about me section, and tweak and tuck a few pages. But, it would be great to get some feedback and suggestions from a few more pairs of eyes!
In appreciation I would like to invite you to have a Wellness Breakthrough Call with me. In this complimentary call we will discuss your health and wellness goals, where you are stuck, whether working together would be the perfect fit, go over what we can accomplish together, and answer any questions that you may have :)! Are you in? Fill out this contact form and we'll set the ball rolling! Remember!!! - Comment on what you think of the new website design!
still think you can't afford a massage?how can you afford not to get a massage with these health benefits!
I recently attended a Senior's Resource Group meeting sponsored by the 20,000 Lives division of Plumas Public Health. The main goal of the group is to combine the efforts of the many Plumas County agencies and businesses that cater to senior citizens to publish a Senior Citizens Resource guide as well as continue efforts to reach, outreach and care for the seniors in our community, particularly homebound seniors. It was a very interesting meeting, with many new faces I had never met in Plumas County. The most impressive aspect of this group of professionals was how much they knew already about the limited care our county gives our senior citizens and how much each individual at the meeting genuinely cared about the Wellbeing of each senior in Plumas County.
This passionate group ignited my creative mind to ponder, what can I do to support this very important population of our society. What kinds of programs can we bring to the homebound and how can we gently encourage them to venture out? My friend, who I dragged along with me to the meeting because she is training to be a Death Duola, brainstormed a little about this after the meeting. But what about you, my clients and friends? What are some of your experiences caring for aging parents or partners or family members or clients? What would you say our senior community needs to help invigorate, motivate and stimulate their mind, body and spirit? Leave a comment or send me a message - like I said, My passion is ignited! I'd like to be part of a solution for people now and for generations to come! |