Next week is Spring Break for many of you, so why not treat yourself to a much needed massage or yoga class. I have Massage appointments Tuesday, April 2 and Wednesday, April 3. If you would like to try an Yoga class, join us Tuesdays at 8:30am for Cardio Yoga at the community center or Wednesdays at 11:30am for Radiant Health Yoga at Sacred Space. If you can't make it, pass the word around. I'm sure you know a well deserving person that could use a massage or fitness class. Now is the time to do it!
The word Love is thrown around a lot these days. I myself use it to express my feelings in many ways. I Love my life, I Love my son, I Love my friends, I Love. But even though I use the word to describe my feelings of peace and joy towards things and people, what about those times when I don't love? Am I still a good person when I am showing non-loving behavior? When I am selfish? When I am withdrawing from life and friends? When I am turning my back on difficult situations and people? Is it more important to love yourself or love other people or can you do both? And how do you love yourself and love others when the other person is challenging your entire concept of love? I have asked these questions before, and I may be getting closer to an answer.
Today I was sent a link to a new project that is going on: The Dream Conspiracy. There is an article by Shannon Paige which is speaking to me about ways I can answer my above questions. I would like to have someone in my life that is good at sharing with me how my behaviors are out of harmony with Love. Because I'm a sensitive soul, I need this information to be given with love. I find it difficult to be shown my short comings, especially when I am not aware that my behavior may be impinging on someone else's well being. Perhaps my shortsightedness to my short comings is my resistance to change? I have found that the desire to change comes from within; a burning desire to do or be something other than you have always been. No one, not even a well meaning friend, can make or force you to change, no matter how they express their desire for you to change. The decision to change is ultimately up to you. I believe we all are on a journey to be the best human expression of our unique talents and gifts that were given to us upon birth and which we agreed to come to earth to express. I believe the degree that we express those talents and gifts are our choice. I believe we may have lessons we have to learn in order to be the fullest expression of those gifts, but it is our choice, in our life how far we go in learning those lessons. The most important thing to me is to be true to myself and continue to find happiness in all that I do. When I am unhappy it is a signal to me that I am not being true to myself or I am needing to learn a life lesson. I am not always good at recognizing when I am out of harmony with my true self, but I am learning, and I am learning to recognize it with love. It's not always easy, and I'm not perfect at it. But I accept that I am a work in progress. I hope you do too. So in the spirit of Love, of learning, of change, you may be getting a call from me asking you where you see me out of harmony with my true self. And I will trust that I will receive and you will give your feedback with Love. In fact, would you share how you respond or give feedback to another with Love? Got it? Have you ever tried it? Now that the weather is warming up perhaps you are engaging in your favorite form of meditation, i.e. gardening, chopping wood, feeding animals, walking, running, or, you fill in the blank. But have you ever tried sitting and breathing and turning off your mind? This month Oprah and Deepak Chopra are sponsoring a 21 Day Meditation Challenge. Click on the link and you will see what all the buzz is about.
This is a 21 Day Meditation Challenge focusing on Perfect Health. Each day you read an affirmation, a Mantra (a sound or thought to repeat during your meditation), and listen to a short introduction to the affirmation and the Mantra by Deepak Chopra. The meditation lasts about sixteen minutes. For your self awareness, there are 3 Questions on Health to Journal about, which can all be done online from your computer. It is a wonderful introduction to self discovery and meditation. Interested in practicing, but concerned about doing it on your own? Join me tomorrow (Wednesday 3/13/2013) at 11:30am at Sacred Space for our Radiant Health Yoga class. We will incorporate meditation into our yoga class so you can feel the benefits of quieting the mind yourself. Tomorrow 3/4 at 4 pm
Tuesday 3/5 at 1:30 pm Wednesday 3/6 at 1 pm Let me know if I can massage away your aches and pains or just help you relax. |