I've been under the weather this week, but that definitely gives me the opportunity to see how well Essential Oils, Positive Thoughts and Visualizations, and other Wholistic Remedies help me bounce back to good health!
I could feel something coming over me on Monday. I felt clammy, and cold, achey, and a little sniffly. I immediately (ok, really it was when I thought about it), I started alternating taking 1 drop Melaleuca and 1 drop On Guard through out the day to help keep me at homeostasis. I was in Yuba City with my kids and had to drive them 2 and a half hours home. I made it! Tuesday I felt ok and worked, but by Tuesday night I could feel my energy draining. I started drinking hot tea with 1 drop Lemon EO and 1 drop Melaleuca with honey. I woke up Wednesday morning with a fever. I continued my hot tea protocol, but added, diffusing Breathe, because with the fever came a tremendously stuffy runny nose. I also added my quick fever inducing/reducing remedy of soaking in a hot bath for 20 minutes using 2 cups Epson salts and 6 drops Breathe, then quickly getting out of the tub and as fast as I could putting on pajamas, socks, and a robe and getting under the covers in bed and allowing my body to sweat for 20 minutes. Thursday, I woke up with less sniffles, and no fever. I started diffusing with 2 drops Melaleuca, 2 drops On Guard and 4 drops Eucalyptus for immune boosting and nose & cough protection. It is a combination that works and smells great! I continued taking Lemon with Honey in hot water throughout the day and took another sweat bath/bed sweat to make my body sweat it out this time using 4 drops Deep Blue. I know these protocols helped me not have a lingering illness because by this morning, Friday, I was ready to return to work! Did I feel absolutely miserable Wednesday? Yes, I did! But by using these protocols, I totally sped up my healing process, kicked my lymphatic system in high gear and supported it, so this bug could get out fast! How I used Positive Thinking/Visualization is I meditated on my cells receiving the help they needed from the essential oils to kick this bug out of my body and I visualized and felt my cells being healthy again. I could tell when I did this that I felt more powerful about my healing, like I was actually creating change in my health, instead of lying victim to this bug and allowing it to keep me down and out! Next time you start to feel even a little bit on the "yuck" side, grab an oil and see how it can help your healing process. Ideally you will have a daily protocol that helps keep your immune system strong, like the following: Eating a healthy diet free of chemically processed foods, free of hormone filled dairy, meats, eggs, and free of processed flours and sugars. A diet rich in leafy greens and vegetables, organic animal products, and a few whole or sprouted grains and nuts and seeds. You'll also use 1 drop On Guard, Melaleuca or Lemon oil daily in 4 oz. of water to keep your immune system in great shape. Exercise daily. Meditate or practice deep breathing daily. And be grateful daily. Essential oils are great! They work when you need them and they work with your body to bring it back to balance. But the best recipe for Perfect Health is to approach your body Wholistically, addressing your Mind (meditation), Body (exercise), and Spirit (Prayer/Gratitude). When you have the foundation of good health, alternative medicine like Essential Oils, Acupuncture, Massage, Homeopathy, and Herbs, all work better because your body is functioning at a higher energy level to begin with, and there is less gunk to clear away first! If you don't know where to start, ask me! I'm here to help!
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Saturday, October 29, 2016 I will be hosting a Massage Demo-Day in honor of National Massage Therapy Awareness Week. Participants in the Demo-Day are asked to make a small donation of $5 to $20 for a free hands-on demonstration of massage. The donation is to support Greenville Methodist Church Youth Group. Each year, GMCYG travels to San Francisco in the spring to do service work with the homeless community. They raise all the funds for the trip themselves through selling fruit pies and doing a yard sale. This year I am asking for you to support GMCYG by coming to my demo-day and getting a massage! Contact me for more details!