I highly recommend you check out my good friend, Christy Ahna Zahava's website Parentingatpeace.com. She is an inspirational single mother who is courageously navigating the path of transition and change with peace and consciousness and is generously offering her expertise in these areas to us for free! Check out her You Tube promo http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dSOV5Sr_URg for her wonderful audio Parenting at Peace In Change. I listened to the introduction and the first two tracks on conscious breathing last night and was blown away by what this strong woman has experienced from her decision to live a conscious life and also her thorough meditation practice and why it is helpful to us as parents. In fact, parenting at peace's seven steps to ease the transition through change, would be helpful to anyone going through change, loss, or confusion. It is not just for parents.
I will keep you updated as I continue on my journey using these seven steps and would love to share with you my experiences as I learn to parent more peacefully. I also highly recommend that you sign up for her Telecourse. It starts October 1st and will be taking us through the seven steps from her audio. You may sign up at her website. http://www.parentingatpeace.com/ Thank you Christy for sharing your experiences with me and others and bringing it to the world to create a more peacefully conscious place. Namaste'
I'll be doing RHY tomorrow at 10am! Come, bring your mat, stretch, strengthen, and relax. All levels Welcome!
I love teaching Tai Chi (and Yoga as well) because I learn so much from my students. A student in Quincy expressed this after our last class Wednesday night and it made me think. What exactly is "a rinse cycle for the head" and how does Tai Chi apply. Think of what the rinse cycle does in a dishwasher or washing machine, it cleans out all the soap, dirt and gunk and leaves the dishes or clothes squeaky clean. That is what Tai Chi does for the mind. It cleans all the clutter chatter of the mind and leaves it calm and clear. According to Everyday Tai-Chi http://www.everyday-taichi.com/tai-chi-benefits.html, clearing and relaxing the mind is the most immediate benefit of Tai Chi and you will notice the difference after your first class. Obviously this is what my student was experiencing after class on Wednesday. In a web article called Mind-Body Synergy from Experience Life!, the author, Kermit Pattinson, says, "A growing amount of scientific evidence has linked mind-body exercises to improvements in balance, mental health, emotional well-being and stress reduction. These exercises power down the sympathetic nervous system – your fight-or-flight response – and power up the parasympathetic system, which induces rest and relaxation." This surge of energy to the parasympathetic nervous system is what is clearing out the head, so to speak. So the next time you are in need of a Head Rinse, don't grab your shampoo & conditioner in the shower, clear your mind in your local Tai Chi class. Classes run on Wednesdays in Greenville & Quincy. Go to _sacredspacegreenville.com for a current schedule of classes.